Nagios Mod Gearman

Nagios Mod Gearman is an Open Source addon for Nagios that provides immense scalability and performance improvements for monitoring large IT environments.

The soon to be released Nagios Mod Gearman addon will be bundled with and included as part of the Nagios Core Service Platform (CSP) distribution package

Nagios Mod Gearman

What Nagios Mod Gearman Provides

Nagios Mod Gearman (nagios-mod-gearman) adds extreme scalability and performance to the Nagios Core monitoring engine.  This provides users of Nagios Core, Nagios CSP, and Nagios XI with options they’ve never had before in terms of scaling Nagios to monitor large environments.

The Nagios Mod Gearman add-on works in conjunction with the Gearman project to provide this functionality.  Gearman is a widely recognized solution for adding scalability to tech projects and Nagios users will benefit immensely from this integration.

What's Coming

The Nagios Mod Gearman add-on is currently undergoing significant testing by the Nagios team. 

We plan on releasing the source code to the community in early 2025 and plan to include a commercially supported version as part of our Nagios CSP and Nagios XI distributions in Q2 of 2025.

Nagios Mod Gearman Source Code

The nagios-mod-gearman project is now available on GitHub.

Nagios Mod Gearman History

The Nagios Mod Gearman project is a fork of an older project that dropped support for the Nagios Core monitoring engine prior to 2024.

Due to community and customer interest, the Nagios Team collaborated to bring back Nagios support to this add-on in 2025 and release it to the community as an Open Source project and to our customers as a commercially supported scalability option for their enterprise IT monitoring needs