NCPA 3.1.3-1 Missin...
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NCPA 3.1.3-1 Missing ncpa_listener Binary?

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I've been troubleshooting NCPA stopping working, and after extracting the package from the official repository, I can't find the ncpa_listener binary inside.

Your Nagios Chatbot suggests that it should be there, but I can only find static/ and templates/ folders in /usr/local/ncpa/listener/.

Could someone confirm if the NCPA 3.1.3-1 package is complete?

I downloaded it from:

Here’s what I see after extracting it:

$ dpkg-deb -x ncpa-3.1.3-1.amd64.deb ncpa_extracted
$ ls -l ncpa_extracted/usr/local/ncpa/listener/
total 8
drwxr-xr-x 7 ed ed 4096 Jan 23 16:45 static
drwxr-xr-x 5 ed ed 4096 Jan 23 16:45 templates
Does anyone else have this issue, or is my download possibly corrupted?

Thanks in advance.

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The functionality of ncpa_listener was moved into /usr/local/ncpa/ncpa in NCPA v3.

What issues are you having with NCPA right now?

I'll see what we can do about the chatbot not having guidance for NCPAv3.

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Thank you. All up and running again. Not sure what the original cause was as tried so many things and it worked a couple of weeks ago on an older version, but it began with 403 errors then those went to 111 errors.

403 Forbidden Errors:
The allowed_hosts section in ncpa.cfg had a subnet (x.x.x.x/26) that wasn’t being recognized properly (not sure if that was in there when it worked originally or not).
This caused API requests from my Nagios XI admin on VMware and :5693/gui/stats in the browser to be rejected.
Fix: Replaced the subnet with explicit IP addresses, and 403 errors went away but became 111.

Service Startup Issues:
NCPA wouldn’t start properly because an old instance was still running, causing conflicts (Another instance is already running (pid ####)).
Fix: Manually killed any stuck NCPA processes (pkill -9 ncpa) and restarted the service cleanly.

Keyring / Repository Issues (Debian/Ubuntu 24.04):
Adding the Nagios APT repository initially caused NO_PUBKEY errors because Ubuntu 24.04 no longer supports apt-key add.

Fix: Used the new keyring format:

sudo mkdir -p /etc/apt/keyrings
wget -qO - | sudo tee /etc/apt/keyrings/nagios.asc > /dev/null

and updated the repo entry to:

deb [signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/nagios.asc] /

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Glad to hear it!

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Hello @edindubai, It's possible that NCPA v3 does not support subnet matching for allowed IPs. I will file an issue and have it checked out so that it can support that functionality in the future. Thank you for reporting this!

I will also file an issue to investigate whether the upgrade is properly removing the old version of NCPA on Ubuntu 24 as that would explain the issue encountered here.
