Nagios Conference GOLD Packages Sold Out – SILVER Still Available

The Nagios Conference is filling up fast – GOLD packages for the upcoming Nagios Conference have sold out! If you want to attend the conference, you can still purchase a SILVER package and arrange accommodation on your own. To register, visit

Dominican Republic Nagios Site Launches

We’re pleased to announce that an official Nagios site for users in Dominican Republic has just been launched. You can visit the Dominican Republic Nagios community website at The site is part of the new Nagios Community Network – a joint venture between Nagios Enterprises and community leaders worldwide. Special thanks to Luis Contreras for […]

Don’t Miss The Early Bird Discounts For The 2012 Conference

Early bird discounts for this year’s Nagios Conference end July 15th, so act fast if you want to attend the conference and expand your Nagios knowledge at the best price. Early bird packages for the 3-day conference start at just $995. This year we have 40+ presentations. To register for the conference visit

Final Call For Speakers At 2012 Nagios Conference

Attention Nagios Experts!  Interested in speaking at the Nagios Conference this fall?  We’ve had a greater level of response than we expected, so we expanded the number of presentation slots on the third day of the conference. With over 40 sessions already on the books, this year’s conference is slated to be even more awesome […]

Nagios Chile Community Site Launches

We’re happy to announce that Pablo Muñoz has been working with us to launch an official Nagios site for users in Chile.  Pablo has gotten the site up and running quickly and it is now online.  Visit the Chile community website at  The site is part of the new Nagios Community Network – a […]

Nagios Plugins 1.4.16 Released

The Nagios Plugin Team has just released version 1.4.16 of the Nagios Plugins. Download the latest plugin package at and read up on what’s new at

2011 Nagios Conference Videos

Presentation videos from the 2011 Nagios Conference are now available free of charge to customers who have purchased support plans, self-paced training, or Nagios XI licenses. More information is available on the 2011 videos page.

Nagios Conference Early Bird Discounts

Early bird discounts are available for this year’s Nagios Conference, with packages starting at just $995. This year we’ve expanded to a 3-day conference with more presentations, BoF sessions, and networking than before. If you’re interested in speaking – act fast. There are just a few speaker slots still open. For more info, visit

Nagios Core 3.4.1 Released

Nagios Core 3.4.1 was just released and can be grabbed from the downloads page. The Changelog can be found here. This release fixed a bug that affected 3.4.0. Thanks to Andreas Ericsson and Eric Stanley for the quick bugfix and release.

New Core Release Shortly

We will be releasing a Nagios Core 3.4.1 release shortly to fix a bug that was found in the recent 3.4.0 release. Until the new release is available, we would advise that anyone running the 3.4.0 code rollback to 3.3.1. You can download 3.3.1 on the downloads page.