Nagios 3.0b4 Released

Nagios 3.0b4 has been released to fix a few bugs present in beta 3. There are also some improvements in the cached host check logic that should help with performance. Check out the Changelog and download it now. NDOUtils 1.4b6 has also been released to work with the latest beta of Nagios and contains a […]

Nagios 3.0b3 Released

Nagios 3.0b2 had a big bug that affected notifications (they weren’t being sent out properly), so I made a new 3.0b3 release today. Check out the Changelog and download it now. NDOUtils 1.4b5 (released yesterday) will work fine with Nagios 3.0b3. For those of you in the U.S., enjoy your Labor Day weekend!

Nagios 3.0b2 Released

A new beta release of the Nagios 3 code has just made it out. 3.0b2 fixes a few bugs present in beta 1 and includes some more improvements to the new host check logic. Check out the Changelog and download it now. NDOUtils 1.4b5 was also released to stay current with internal changes made in […]

Nagios 3.0b1 Released

The first beta release of the Nagios 3 code is finally here. Nagios 3.0b1 fixes some bugs present in the previous alpha release, and includes a few new features to boot. You can see the Changelog here and download the 3.0b1 release here.

Nagios is a Community Choice Awards Finalist – Vote Today!

Nagios is one of the 2007 SourceForge Community Choice Awards finalists in the ‘Best Tool or Utility for SysAdmins’ cateogy! Thanks to everyone who nominated it! Now that the nomination process is complete, the voting begins to determine the Community Choice Award winners in each category. Vote for Nagios and your other favorite OSS apps […]

WebReboot Enterprise Discounts for Nagios Users

Servprise is now offering Nagios users a 10% discount off their WebReboot Enterprise product – a high-density version of the Webreboot that provides hardware-safe remote reboot and power control of servers. Available in 24, 48, or 80 port configurations. Click here for details.

NSCA 2.7.2 Released

I just released NSCA 2.7.2 today to fix a possible bug with a multi-process NSCA daemon not accepting new clients and eating CPU due to the untimely death of child processes. The patch was pretty old (over a year), but I missed it until another user brought it to my attention. Get the latest version […]

Nagios 3.0a5 Released

A new alpha release of the Nagios 3 code has just made it out. 3.0a5 fixes a few bugs present in 3.0a4 and includes support for soft passive host checks, initial non-UP/OK states, and enhanced timeperiod definitions that should make rotation on-call schedules much easier to define. Check out the Changelog and download it now. […]

Nagios Site Back Up

Arggh! Nothing like admins making changes that break things right before a 3-day holiday weekend and not telling anyone. The site was moved (unknown to me) Saturday morning and left in a broken state. I moved the site to a new provider, so DNS changes should finish propagating by this afternoon.

Nagios 3.0a4 Released

The fourth alpha release of Nagios 3 is now available for more testing. As mentioned before, this is development code, so be careful when deployng it. Read the Changelog for changes since alpha 3. You can download the alpha release here.