Nagios 2.11 Released
Nagios 2.11 has been released and includes a number of fixes for bugs that were present in 2.10. You can see the Changelog here and download it here. The 2.x branch will soon become legacy (stable) code, as 3.0 is just about to be released.
Nagios 3.0rc3 Released
The third release candidate for Nagios 3.0 (3.0rc3) has just been released. RC3 contains a number of fixes for bugs present in RC2, as well as some speed improvements. 3.0 final is not far away at this point. Read the Changelog for a description of changes made and download RC3 now.
Nagios Voted 2007 Monitoring Application of the Year
Nagios has been voted Monitoring Application of the Year for 2007 by members! Thanks to all those who voted and to everyone who has made Nagios such a great success!
Nagios 3.0rc2 Released
The second release candidate for Nagios 3.0 (3.0rc2) has just been released. RC2 contains a number of fixes for bugs present in RC1. Read the Changelog for a description of changes made and download RC2 now.
Nagios 3.0rc1 Released
The first release candidate for Nagios 3.0 (3.0rc1) has been released. It contains fixes for a few bugs present in beta 7 and puts things closer to a stable release. Check out the Changelog and download it now. Happy Holidays and may your pagers be silent during the festivities!
Nagios 3.0b7 Released
Nagios 3.0b7 has been released to fix a few bugs present in beta 6. Check out the Changelog and download it now. We’re closing in on a release candidate for Nagios 3, as I don’t plan on changing any more major portions of the code.
Nagios Enterprises Launches
I’m pleased to announced that Nagios Enterprises has been launched to provide professional solutions – including support and consulting services – for Nagios. This is an exciting moment for both myself and the Nagios project. Woohoo! Here we go…
Nagios 3.0b6 and NDOUtils 1.4b7 Released
The march towards a stable 3.0 release continues! Nagios 3.0b6 has just been released – it includes bug fixes, new macro code that should help with performance in large installations, and some new features discusses at the NETWAYS Nagios Konferenz. Check out the Changelog and download it now. NDOUtils 1.4b7 has also been released to […]
Nagios 2.10 Released
Nagios 2.10 has been released and includes a number of fixes for bugs that were present in 2.9. You can see the Changelog here and download it here.
Nagios 3.0b5 Released
Nagios 3.0b5 has been released to fix some bugs present in beta 4. Check out the Changelog and download it now.