Nagios Support Contract Survey Online
Due to the high level of interest in Nagios support contracts we’ve received from the community, we are investigating how to best offer support options. Tell us what you’d like to see in an official support contract for Nagios by participating in our online survey. Three lucky (randomly chosen) participants will each win a $50 […]
New “Nagios 3 Enterprise Network Monitoring” Book from Syngress
Several Nagios community members have contributed to a new book published by Syngress titled ” Nagios 3 Enterprise Network Monitoring“. A valuable book to add to your collection. Congrats to the community members who participated in this book!
New Nagios Book from Packt Publishing Due in October
Packt Publishing will be releasing a new book by Wojciech Kocjan in October titled “Learning Nagios 3.0“. More information on the book, as well as ordering information can be found here. If you’re relatively new to Nagios, I’d definitely recommend checking this out!
Nagios is Winner of InfoWorld BOSSIE Award
Nagios is honored as being one of Infoworld’s Best of Open Source Software (“BOSSIE”) 2008 Award winners. Nagios won the “Server Monitoring” category as seen here. Full article linking to all the OSS winners can be found here. Thanks to everyone in the community for making Nagios such a huge success!
New Nagios Users Group on
Hey Nagios Users! A new Nagios users group has just created on LinkedIn. For those who haven’t used LinkedIn before, its a great way to keep track of your professional contacts. Click here to join the group and connect with other Nagios pros. Thanks to Jeff Surofsky for this great idea.
Nagios 3.0.3 Released
Nagios 3.0.3 has just been released to fix a few bugs present in 3.0.2. Read the Changelog and download Nagios 3.0.3 now.
Awesome Nagios Hack: R2-D2 Integration
This has got to be the coolest Nagios hacks I’ve seen over the years. Some Japanese Nagios users rigged up an R2-D2 DVD projector with Nagios to help visualize system problems.
Nordic Nagios Meet in Stockholm, Sweden – June 3-4, 2008
Don’t miss the chance to attend the upcoming Nagios Nordic Meet 08 in Stockholm, Sweden June 3-4. Come and meet key individuals from the open source community and discuss the future of their OSS Projects, technical news, market trends and listen to case studies focusing on business value. Speakers include: Ethan Galstad – founder of […]
Nagios 3.0.1 Released
Nagios 3.0.1 – the first bug fix to the 3.x stable branch – has just been released. Read the Changelog and download Nagios 3.0.1 now.
Nagios 3.0 Released
Nagios 3.0 (stable) has just been released! Thanks to everyone who has contributed to this release by suggesting features, testing code, and submitting patches. Read the Changelog and download Nagios 3.0 now.