Nagios Core 3.2.3 Released

Nagios Core 3.2.3 has just been released and can be downloaded from Thanks to everyone in the community that contributed to this release! This latest stable release include a few bug fixes (one important one affecting check scheduling), so we recommend you upgrade your older Nagios instances when you get the chance. The changelog […]

Community-Built Frontends For Nagios

Many people aren’t aware of the numerous frontends that are available for Nagios, so we’re making some of our favorites more visible to everyone.  Check out some great Nagios frontends at

Nagios Core 3.2.2 Released

Nagios Core 3.2.2 has just been released and can be downloaded from Thanks to everyone in the community that contributed to this release! This latest stable release include several bug fixes, so we recommend you upgrade your older Nagios instances when you get the chance. The changelog is available here.

Nagios At Ohio LinuxFest – September 10-12

Nagios will be at the Ohio LinuxFest conference in Columbus, Ohio September 10-12!  Nagios Enterprises is sponsoring the “pre-party” on Friday night.  We’ll be giving away free Nagios swag, so stop by and say hi!  The quick details: Ethan Galstad will be talking about Nagios at the Open Source Solutions stage on Saturday and community […]

Nagios Seedcamp Winners Announced

Nagios Seedcamp voting has closed and we’ve got the winners! See the voting results. Congratulations to everyone that participated in this first Seedcamp!

Nagios Big Winner In LinuxCon Poll

Nagios was the overwhelming winner in the “Favorite IT Operations Tools” category of the LinuxCon 2010 Just For Fun poll, taking more than 50% of the votes.  See the announcement and the poll results.  Thanks to everyone in the community that helps make Nagios great!

Nagios Seedcamp Voting Begins!

Nagios Seedcamp has moved into it’s second stage – voting! We had fifteen new addons submitted to the first Nagios Seedcamp. Check out the Seedcamp participants and vote for your favorites!

Vote For Nagios As Favorite IT Operations Tool!

LinuxCon is hosting a poll on favorite Open Source tools and we’re looking for the community’s voice.  Vote for Nagios as your favorite choice in the “Favorite IT Operations Tools” category of the LinuxCon 2010 Just For Fun poll.

Nagios Plugins 1.4.15 Released

The Nagios Plugin Team has just released version 1.4.15 of the Nagios Plugins.  The newest release contains several enhancements, including rate calculation in check_snmp and a round of bug fixes. Download the latest plugin package at and read up on what’s new at

Nagios Seedcamp Kicks Off

We’re pleased to announce the launch of Nagios Seedcamp – a development contest designed to spur innovation in the Nagios Community.  Participants in Nagios Seedcamp will have an opportunity to win cash prizes up to $1,000 USD.  Scratch your itch, develop some code, and make a run for the cash.  Learn more about Nagios Seedcamp […]