Nagios Contributors Wanted!

2009-05-29-ethanHey you! Yes, you. We’re looking for individuals that want to contribute to the Nagios project. There’s a lot that’s happening and we need more people to fill many critical roles. Want to participate by developing a new addon or plugin? Or create the next Nagios GUI? Or be more involved with the community? Great! Head on over to and sign up for something.

Recent Posts

Nagios Update: XI 5.6.6

Nagios XI update 5.6.6 is now released! This update resolves a number of minor bugs and one security vulnerability fix. This version also includes improvements

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Nagios Update: XI 5.6.5

Nagios XI update 5.6.5 was released to improve passive checks coming in through the Nagios Remote Data Processor (NRDP).  For versions prior to Nagios XI

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